• 0
  • 06.02.17
  • Publicações
  • João Pedro Junior
  • Agita Mundo
  • 5042

Dissemination of Physical Activity Evidence, Programs, Policies, and Surveillance in the International Public Health Arena

Abstract: The concepts of dissemination can be applied to the international challenges of promoting physical activity. With the 2004 release of the World Health Organization Global Strategy for Diet and Physical Activity, risk factor reduction and noncommunicable disease controlare of global health interest. A six-step frame work is proposed for understanding theattributes of successful international dissemination. These include the development of clear and evidence based resources or innovations, defining the target audience, selectingcommunication channels, engaging decision makers, and developing evaluation fram e works around dissemination. Four case studies to illustrate aspects of the frame work arepresented: (1) learning from dissemination of effective tobacco control initiatives, (2) the experience of developing global measures and surveillance systems for physical activity,(3) case study of disseminating the Agita program—an effective community wide intervention,and (4) disseminating the World Health Organization Global Strategy on Diet and Physical Activity. Substantial similarities across the experiences described in these casestudies suggest underlying common themes for international dissemination, but developinga stronger evidence base for dissemination efforts remains a research priority.(Am J Prev Med 2006;31(4S):S57–S65) © 2006 American Journal of Preventive Medicine