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The Bangkok Declaration on Physical Activity for Global Health and Sustainable Development (2016)

At the recent International Society for Physical Activity and Health (ISPAH) 2016 Congress held in Bangkok, delegates, ISPAH members and Congress co hosts launched a new position statement on the importance of physical activity for global health, the prevention of noncommunicable diseases and how the co benefits of population based actions on physical activity can contribute to achieving eight of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).

The BKKD outlines 6 strategic areas for investment and action at country, regional and global levels, which if implemented in all countries, would advance progress towards achieving the 2025 target of increasing levels of physical activity by 10%. The BKKD calls for partnerships with sectors inside and outside of health and alignment with the shared goals of the 2030 Agenda. The new road map and advocacy tool is a follow up to the Toronto Charter: A call for global action (2010) and the 7 Best Investments for Physical Activity (2011) [also available at www.ispah.org]

The BKKD is part of a set of regional and global efforts to support and accelerate a global social movement on physical activity. Working closely with all interested sectors and international agencies in all regions, the global movement will include efforts to secure a WHO Resolution on Physical Activity at the World Health Assembly in 2017/2018.

ISPAH encourages everyone to read and circulate the BKKD to your networks. It is vital that we engage stakeholders and new partners to raise the priority, investment and implementation of the known effective actions to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary behaviours.

More information: www.ispah.org