• 0
  • 06.02.17
  • Publicações
  • João Pedro Junior
  • Agita Mundo
  • 5284

The Growing Danger of Non-Communicable Diseases Acting Now to Reverse Course

This report was prepared under the overall guidanceof Cristian Baeza, Director, Health, Nutritionand Population (HNP), and Nicole Klingen,Sector Manager (HNP), in the World Bank’s HumanDevelopment Network (HDN). The team which producedthe report included Anne-Maryse Pierre-Louis,Montserrat Meiro-Lorenzo, Irina Nikolic, and TonyaLuana Villafana. The team is grateful for the substantialcontribution of World Bank colleagues such as PatricioMarquez, Europe and Central Asia Region, Enis Baris,Middle East and North Africa Region, Joana Godinho,Latin America and Caribbean Region, Sameh El-Saharty,South Asia Region, Edward Bos, Africa Region,Daniel Cotlear and Abdo Yazbeck, HNP, and PhillipHay, HD External Affairs. Selina Khan and VictorianoArias, HNP helped with the manuscript.