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  • 05.09.17
  • Eventos
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  • Agita Mundo
  • 4521

29Nov / 1708h00
BRICSCESS 2017 - The Inaugural BRICS Conference of Exercise and Sports Science

On behalf of Federal University of Sao Paulo (UNIFESP), University of Sao Paulo (USP) and BRICS Council of Exercise & Sports Science (BRICSCESS), we are delighted to invite you to The Inauguration BRICS Conference of Exercise and Sports Science (BRICSCESS 2017) from 29 Nov-2 Dec 2017 in Santos, Brazil. The theme of the conference is "Sports Mega Events and Health Promotion: Policies and Legacies in Exercise and Sports Science".

The scientific program will be concentrating on enhancing health and wellness, sports, physical activity and sports mega events to achieve healthy active living through interdisciplinary, scientific and holistic approach in exercise science and sport. There will be 4 keynotes, 18 invited, and 5 workshops and 27 Future Leaders/Volunteers (FLV) together with oral and poster presentations in this two and half days conference.

This historical Conference will bring together practitioners, researchers and educators from the BRICS region and around the world who are engaged in sports sciences in any capacity. The conference goal is to provide a forum for sports practitioners and students to discuss the increasing role of physical activity and sports in the society and its association with other health disciplines.

More information: BRICSCESS 2017