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09Nov / 1909h00
WoW! Walking Against Gender-based Violence

Dear WoW! Partners, Champions, Activists, Supporters, and Followers! JOIN US as we WALK AGAINST GENDER-BASED VIOLENCE, in Collaboration with CHRYSALIS ACADEMY.

“As we walk, we remember those who have been injured and those who have died. We raise our voices not so that we can shout but so that those without a voice can be heard”.


Green Point Lighthouse, 100 Beach Road, Mouille Point, Cape Town.


Saturday, 9th November 2019, 09h00 until 11h00


Wear comfortable clothing, a black T-shirt, walking shoes & bring your water We will hand out white ribbons on the day of the walk. Be an Active Healthy Lifestyle Promoter by sharing this information with your social networks, colleagues, families, friends and communities! Thank you for your ongoing support to Co-Create a Culture of Wellness!

Be Active & Eat Healthy Every Day!

Be Healthy! Be Happy! Be You! Be WoW!

Information: wow

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