• 0
  • 30.03.17
  • Material de Apoio
  • Pixel inDesign
  • Agita Mundo
  • 4864

Instructions for entering news and events in the Portal Agita

All participants of the Agita Mundo Network may use the Portal Agita to disseminate the news and events about Physical Activity and Health that happen in your City, City or Country, throughout the year.

For this, it is necessary that the person interested in participating in the Portal, send anEste endereço de email está sendo protegido de spambots. Você precisa do JavaScript ativado para vê-lo. to our secretariat and ask for their access data.

Your request will be answered within a maximum of 24 hours.

All articles entered in the Portal are moderated before entering online, this moderation also has a deadline of up to 24 hours to be answered.

Participation in our Portal is free.

Using the Portal is very easy, here's a step-by-step guide on how to insert news and events.

portal 01 en

portal 02 en

portal 03 en

portal 04 en