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  • 09.12.16
  • Notícias
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  • Agita SP
  • 6073

Manifestações de carinho para a equipe do Programa Agita SP


Caríssimos Agitadores, vejam só, vocês fizeram tantas mudanças positivas na sociedade, que chamar alguém de AGITADOR passou a ser um elogio (ao menos para os bons entendedores)!!! Parabenizo a todos AGITADORES de ontem, hoje e de amanhã. Reitero meu comentário no editorial do Simpósio, em outras palavras: Qual, e como, seria a inserção do Brasil no mundo da promoção da atividade física para a saúde se não fosse o Agita, ou melhor, se não fossem vocês? Se hoje o Brasil é uma liderança na área, devemos isso a todos vocês. Nesse dia de grande celebração, estamos todos a celebrar. A sociedade agradece por cada "30 minutos" que alguém se movimentou, seja em SP, no Brasil ou mundo a fora. Celebrem! Parabéns! E que venham outros 20! Forte e carinhoso abraço,

Luiz Guilherme Grossi Porto, MSc, PhD

Faculdade de Educação Física - FEF Laboratório Cardiovascular - Faculdade de MedicinaUniversidade de Brasília - UnB


Dear Victor, you have done wonderful work. Hearty congratulations. We will be thinking about you on December 6. Enjoy the celebration. All the best,

Steve and Jane Blair

Congratulations my friend! You and your team should be very proud and happy with all you have accomplished.

Jim Skinner

We must thank you for what you have contributed to worldwide physical activity – thank you my friend. All the best.

J. Larry Durstine, Ph.D. - Distinguished Professor

Victor, greetings from London Heathrow. Congratulations and best wishes to your team and you.

George Brooks

Victor - this is quite an accomplishment. Congratulations on all your work. You are an inspiration.

BK - Harold W. (Bill) Kohl, III, Ph.D. - Professor of Epidemiology and Kinesiology - University of Texas Health Science Center - Houston.

Excellent, Victor. We are all proud of the achievements and legacy. Congratulations!

James R. Whitehead, CEO and Executive Vice President - American College of Sports Medicine

Congratulations Victor – all the very best – enjoy the celebrations!

Billie Giles - Corti

Good luck sir. Always we will keep Agiting. Thank you.

Nasser Al Rahma

Congratulations, Victor. Your contributions to the field during that 20 years have been extraordinary. Abrazos,

Becky Lankennau

Hi Victor, Congratulations! I will keep agitating in this corenr of the world!

Wendy Brown - Director, Centre for Research on Exercise, Physical Activity and Health - Professor of Physical Activity and Public Health - School of Human Movement and Nutrition Sciences - University of Queensland, Australia

Congratulations Victor. Wonderful to hear from you. You and Sandra should be very proud of what has become the most successful global physical activity promotional initiative. I hope the December 6th celebration is a fabulous success.

Art Salmon - Toronto, Canada

Congratulations Victor!

Mark Tramblay - Toronto, Canada

Dear Victor, Sincere congrats: all due to your perseverance on this topic. I wish you a wonderful celebration! Stay well my dear friend! Warm regards,

Prof. Willem van Mechelen - Dept. of Public & Occupational Health/EMGO+ Institute - VU University Medical Center - van der Boechorststraat 7 - NL-1081 BT Amsterdam

HI Victor – Congratulations on all the wonderful accomplishments of Agita Sao Paulo!! All the best to you and Sandra

Russ Pate

Dear Victor, Congratulation. 20 years ago I was teaching Health strategies at the University of Southern Denmark and I remember how fascinated I was about the philosophy of Agita Sau Paulo I must have attended a meeting listening to you. Anyway since then the Agita story was part of my teaching curriculum. But I cant remember when the name Agita Mundo started.

Finn Danmark

Victor, Congratulations on 20 great years. I know you will have many more great years.

Steve Fleck

Dear Victor, Congratulations to your tremendous achievements during the last 20 years. With best wishes

Ulf Ekelund, PhD FACSM - Professor Departement of Sports Medicine - Norwegian School of Sports Sciences

That is wonderful news. Very exciting!

Bess Marcus

Wonderful Victor - thank you. And please pass on my best wishes and congratulations to all the agitators and agita networks. Our joined up voice can be loud and more effective. We welcome ideas on what to do next through global collobarations. Keep in touch.

Fiona Bull

Dear Victor, Congratulations for the fantastic work in promoting HEPA during the past two decades. Agita Sao Paulo is the mother of all HEPA promotion, globally. Hoping to continue my humble support to your great work I enclose our recent article on sport and mortality. With best personal regards,

Pekka Oja - University of Jyvaskyla, Finland