The role of partnerships in promoting physical activity: the experience of Agita São Paulo

a b s t r a c t - Strategic partnership is a logical approach to face some of the public health problems. However, its application is some what more complex. In this paper our experience with three networks (Agita...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4889

Physical Activity Interventions in Latin America A Systematic Review

Background: Recommendations for physical activity in the Guide to Community Preventive Services (theCommunity Guide) have not been systematically examined or applied in developingcountries such as those in Latin...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4991

Dissemination of Physical Activity Evidence, Programs, Policies, and Surveillance in the International Public Health Arena

Abstract: The concepts of dissemination can be applied to the international challenges of promoting physical activity. With the 2004 release of the World Health Organization Global Strategy for Diet and Physical...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 5064

Dissemination of Physical Activity Evidence, Programs, Policies, and Surveillance in the International Public Health Arena

Abstract: The concepts of dissemination can be applied to the international challenges of promoting physical activity. With the 2004 release of the World Health Organization Global Strategy for Diet and Physical...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4752

A Case Study on Agita São Paulo: Defeating NCDs through Physical Activity

NCDs, which stand for non-communicable diseases and include cardiovascular disease, diabetes, cancers and chronic lung diseases, are the 21st century’s greatest health challenge. Two out of three deaths today are...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4834

Public Policy Actions Needed to Promote Physical Activity

Abstract Physical inactivity is a major risk factor forcardiovascular disease, and strategies to increase activity levels are as important to population health as smokingcessation, cholesterol control, or preventing...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4993

The Growing Danger of Non-Communicable Diseases Acting Now to Reverse Course

This report was prepared under the overall guidanceof Cristian Baeza, Director, Health, Nutritionand Population (HNP), and Nicole Klingen,Sector Manager (HNP), in the World Bank’s HumanDevelopment Network (HDN). The...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4976

Neighborhood Environments and Physical Activity Among Adults in 11 Countries

Background: Understanding environmental correlates of physical activity can inform policy changes. Surveyswere conducted in 11 countries using the same self-report environmental variables and theInternational Physical...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4812

Youth Knowledge of Physical Activity Health Benefits: A Brazilian Case Study

This study presents the findings of a questionnaire-based investigation of knowledge about the relationship of physical activity to health among adolescent participants of acommunity-based physical activity...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4760

Usando a gestão móbile do modelo ecológico para promover atividade física

A inatividade física tem aumentado de maneiraepidêmica, refletindo diretamente no aumentodos índices de morbimortalidade das doenças crônicas degenerativas. Levantamentos da Organização Mundialde Saúde apontam...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 5239

Será que o futebol pode promover saúde?

O futebol é de longe a mais popular atividade física esportiva no Brasil1 e possivelmente no mundo. Além de seus praticantes, há um enorme contingente da população que acompanha as transmissões dos jogos...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4947

Planejamento de intervenções no ambiente urbano para aumentar o nível de atividade física e melhora da saúde cardiovascular

O sedentarismo tem alcançado proporções epidêmica sem todo o mundo e enfrentá-lo tornou-seprioridade em saúde pública. A globalização e suas conseqüênciastrazem mudanças rápidas nos projetos urbanosque...

  • 06.02.17
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  • 4722